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Month: January 2021

Donald Trump should be removed from office to preserve democracy, business leaders say

The National Association of Manufacturers, one of the most influential business groups in the US, called on Vice President Mike Pence Wednesday to consider removing President Donald Trump from office. The statement from Republican-leaning NAM, the nation’s largest manufacturing association, marks perhaps the strongest political statement by a major business group in modern history. And

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First lady’s chief of staff and former WH press secretary resigns over violent protests

Stephanie Grisham, the former White House communications director and press secretary and current chief of staff for first lady Melania Trump, submitted her resignation Wednesday afternoon, effective immediately, in the wake of the violent protests, a White House official says. Grisham was one of the longest-serving Trump administration officials, having begun her tenure working for

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Trump should be removed from office to preserve democracy, business leaders say

The National Association of Manufacturers, one of the most influential business groups in the US, called on Vice President Mike Pence Wednesday to consider removing President Donald Trump from office. The statement from Republican-leaning NAM, the nation’s largest manufacturing association, marks perhaps the strongest political statement by a major business group in modern history. And

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Congressional reporters became the country’s eyes and ears as rioters stormed Capitol Hill

When pro-Trump rioters breached the Capitol building on Wednesday, the TV cameras in the House and Senate chambers were abruptly turned off. Thankfully there were quick-thinking reporters and photographers inside the Capitol who showed the world what happened next. The tweets and dispatches described unbelievable scenes — an armed standoff, vandalism, terroristic threats — and

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