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Month: January 2021

Angry staffer appears to be behind State Department website edits saying Trump’s term is over

A disgruntled State Department employee appears to have been behind bizarre changes to the department website Monday that stated that President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence’s terms were over, two sources told CNN. A State Department source and another source familiar told CNN that the early stages of an investigation suggest the changes

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What is the Insurrection Act?

Viral social media posts have falsely claimed that President Donald Trump invoked the Insurrection Act of 1807 law to deploy American soldiers to police US streets. That didn’t happen. The unfounded posts have gained traction in the wake of the US Capitol breach on Wednesday that engulfed the nation’s capital in chaos and left five

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Where’s the snow?

It’s no secret that this winter has been suspiciously lacking in snowfall for us Missourians. So the question stands: where is all the snow if it isn’t here? It turns out that several places across the world have seen historic snowfalls during this past weekend alone. Across the Atlantic Ocean, Madrid, along with other parts

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