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Month: January 2021

The son of Captain America’s co-creator says Capitol Hill rioters misrepresented the superhero

The son of the co-creator of comic book hero Captain America said he was “appalled” and “disgusted” when he saw Capitol Hill rioters wearing t-shirts and shields referencing the superhero. “Captain America is the absolute antithesis of Donald Trump,” Neal Kirby told CNN’s Jake Tapper in a statement Wednesday. “Where Captain America is selfless, Trump

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Amid California homelessness crisis, proposed tax on large corporations seeks to fund programs

Click here for updates on this story     SAN FRANCISCO, CA (KPIX) — A proposal introduced in California’s legislature seeks to address California’s worsening homelessness crisis by create a permanent funding stream for homeless programs. Democrats, big city mayors and housing advocates on Wednesday introduced Assembly Bill 71, which would tax large corporations. Meanwhile as darkness

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‘American Skin’ explores race, policing and loss through a provocative lens

“American Skin” touches on raw nerves in the midst of a chaotic historical moment, which is ultimately the whole point. Following his 2016 feature debut “The Birth of a Nation,” writer-director-star Nate Parker seeks to bore into the issues surrounding policing and Black America, through a provocative but flawed dramatic vehicle that strains against its

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Justice Department was unprepared for family separations but Jeff Sessions pushed it anyway, watchdog says

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions knew early on migrant families would be separated when the Trump administration implemented its controversial “zero tolerance” policy and still proceeded to push for the policy, according to a scathing report from the Justice Department inspector general released Thursday. At one point, Sessions emphasized to US attorneys that “we need

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