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Month: December 2020

US reaches out to intelligence alliance partners on suspected Russian hack

White House National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien held a call on Tuesday with his counterparts in an international intelligence sharing alliance to discuss the suspected Russian cyberattack on US government agencies and propose a joint statement condemning the breach, according to a senior administration official and two officials from the other nations. O’Brien’s proposal for

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DOJ report details widespread ‘systemic’ sexual abuse at Florida’s largest women’s prison

Click here for updates on this story     OCALA, Flordia (WESH) — The United States Department of Justice on Tuesday released a scathing report alleging that Florida’s largest women’s prison, located in Ocala, has repeatedly failed to protect inmates from being sexually assaulted by staff. As part of an investigation that dates to 2018, the DOJ

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State Department says US believes Russian FSB used a Novichok nerve agent to poison Navalny

The State Department on Wednesday issued the most decisive statement yet from the Trump administration blaming the Russian Security Service for the poisoning of opposition leader Alexey Navalny, days after CNN reported on the first direct evidence of the agency’s involvement in the poisoning. “The United States believes that officers from the Russian Federal Security

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