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Month: December 2020

Unemployment benefits lapse for jobless Americans as Trump holds out on signing relief bill

Millions of jobless gig-workers and independent contractors, as well as long-term unemployed Americans, are set to lose their unemployment benefits after this weekend since President Donald Trump hasn’t signed the $900 billion relief package Congress passed last week. What’s more, all laid-off workers will likely lose a week of the $300 federal boost to payments

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Trump’s wrecking ball of a transition

This has been a disastrous lame duck period. Although there are always concerns about what may happen in the months between a presidential election and inauguration, the last few weeks have lived up to our worst expectations. The transition period used to be even longer. Until the 20th Amendment was ratified in 1933, this gap

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Fact check: Georgia Republicans run more misleading attack ads against Warnock and Ossoff

In early December, we fact–checked misleading attack ads from both Democrats and Republicans in the two Georgia runoff elections that will determine control of the US Senate. Since then, Republicans have run some additional misleading ads attacking both Democratic candidates, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Here’s a breakdown of two of these ads. Warnock’s comment

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Suicide bombing suspected in Nashville explosion as investigators search home south of the city

Investigators looking into the Christmas morning explosion in Nashville now believe the blast was likely the result of a suicide bombing, according to two law enforcement sources with direct knowledge of the investigation. Officials have previously said they have recovered human remains at the scene of the bombing in downtown Nashville and an FBI official

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