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Month: December 2020

Congress: A crisis averted and House votes Monday on overriding Trump’s veto

The President signed the massive spending and stimulus package Sunday night, bringing Washington back from brink of what may have been a weeks-long government shutdown and potentially months of more pain for millions of Americans who need expanded unemployment benefits, small business loans, a federal eviction moratorium and direct checks. The President’s signature came after

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‘Like a chisel going through your head’: Greg Norman delivers graphic account of dealing with Covid-19 symptoms

Golf great Greg Norman has graphically described his struggle dealing with Covid-19 symptoms after testing positive for the coronavirus. Over the Christmas period, the 65-year-old delivered three updates on Instagram after he twice went to hospital. Former world no.1 Norman first posted a picture of himself in a hospital bed on Christmas Day, writing: “This

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Trump signs coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law after lengthy delay

President Donald Trump signed the massive $2.3 trillion coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law Sunday night, averting a government shutdown that was set to begin on Tuesday, and extending billions of dollars in coronavirus aid to millions. Trump’s signature of the $900 billion Covid relief package extends unemployment benefits for millions of jobless

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12 wild things that happened in aviation in 2020

This was a heinous year for the aviation industry. Absolutely horrendous, in fact. But among the gloom there were some lighter, crazier, even hopeful moments that captured our imaginations during the dark times. Here are the wildest. 1. A tiny airport in Alaska became the world’s busiest Alaska’s Anchorage International lacks the waterfalls and razzmatazz

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Pokémon plane takes off in Japan

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a … Jigglypuff? Some Pokémon-themed airplanes are starting to appear in the skies in Japan. Solaseed Airlines, a local carrier based on the Japanese island of Kyushu, debuted a Pokémon-painted plane on December 19. Its maiden flight was from Miyazaki City to Tokyo’s Haneda airport. The plane is

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