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Month: November 2022

TSA to conduct additional training after passenger is allowed on a flight with two boxcutters, agency says

By Hannah Sarisohn, Emma Tucker and Pete Muntean, CNN The Transportation Security Administration is admitting multiple failures and is instituting alerts to security officers at airports nationwide after a man got through a checkpoint with two box cutters. The move comes as passengers are expected to flood airports ahead of Thanksgiving. TSA security checkpoint agents

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TSA to conduct additional training after passenger is allowed on a flight with two boxcutters, agency says

By Hannah Sarisohn, Emma Tucker and Pete Muntean, CNN The Transportation Security Administration is admitting multiple failures and is instituting alerts to security officers at airports nationwide after a man got through a checkpoint with two box cutters. The move comes as passengers are expected to flood airports ahead of Thanksgiving. TSA security checkpoint agents

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Gobierno de Colombia sugiere que personas denunciadas por presunto acoso sexual durante la COP27 utilizaron “credenciales de colombianos ilegalmente”

Luis Ernesto Quintana Barney (CNN) — El Gobierno de Colombia sigue esperando que el secretariado de la cumbre climática COP27, que se realiza en Sharm El-Sheikh, Egipto, confirme los nombres de las dos personas denunciadas por presunto acoso sexual y que habrían formado parte de la delegación que representaba al país sudamericano en el evento,

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TSA to conduct additional training after passenger is allowed on a flight with two boxcutters, agency says

By Hannah Sarisohn, Emma Tucker and Pete Muntean, CNN The Transportation Security Administration is admitting multiple failures and is instituting alerts to security officers at airports nationwide after a man got through a checkpoint with two box cutters. The move comes as passengers are expected to flood airports ahead of Thanksgiving. TSA security checkpoint agents

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Oposición marcha en México contra la iniciativa de reforma electoral del presidente López Obrador

Luis Ernesto Quintana Barney (CNN Español) — Unas 200.000 personas marcharon este domingo en la Ciudad de México, y otros miles más en una treintena de ciudades en el país en lo que los organizadores de la movilización denominaron defensa del Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) ante la iniciativa de reforma electoral propuesta por el presidente

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Massive turnout in defense of Mexico’s electoral authority

By FABIOLA SÁNCHEZ Associated Press MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tens of thousands of people packed the Mexican capital’s main boulevard Sunday to protest President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s proposal to overhaul the country’s electoral authority in the largest demonstration against one of the president’s efforts during his nearly four years in office. The massive turnout

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ANÁLISIS | Cómo Joe Biden y el Partido Demócrata desafiaron la historia de las elecciones intermedias

Rocío Muñoz-Ledo (CNN) — El presidente Joe Biden y el Partido Demócrata lograron una elección intermedia para los libros de récords. Los demócratas retuvieron el Senado — sin hacer nada peor que mantenerse firmes en 50 escaños y posiblemente ganar uno — y es probable que mantengan las pérdidas netas en la Cámara de Representantes

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