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Month: March 2022

John Roberts can’t do anything about Clarence Thomas

By Joan Biskupic, CNN legal analyst & Supreme Court biographer Chief Justice John Roberts has long trumpeted the Supreme Court’s institutional integrity, saying the nine justices differ from elected politicians and calling out anyone who threatens to undermine that message. He has rebuked former President Donald Trump and members of Congress. But now the threat

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Members of the House select committee investigating January 6 will likely reach out to interview Ginni Thomas

January 6 Committee will seek interview with Ginni Thomas, sources say

By Jamie Gangel and Zachary Cohen, CNN The House Select Committee investigating January 6 will seek an interview with conservative activist Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, according to multiple sources familiar with the investigation. Most members of the House select committee investigating January 6 — including chair Bennie Thompson and

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German authorities seize spyware firm FinFischer’s accounts

BERLIN (AP) — German authorities have seized accounts belonging to the spyware company FinFischer amid an investigation into whether it broke export laws by selling its products to authoritarian governments. Munich prosecutors confirmed Monday that the company’s accounts were impounded, though the measure will have no immediate effect because FinFischer is undergoing insolvency proceedings. Human

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ANÁLISIS | Cómo las palabras improvisadas de Biden podrían afectar la guerra en Ucrania

olivertapia (CNN) — Unas cuantas palabras sin guión pusieron nervioso de nuevo a un mundo que ya estaba nervioso. La sugerencia del presidente Joe Biden en Polonia el sábado de que la embestida de Vladimir Putin contra Ucrania debería descalificarlo del poder desencadenó una tormenta política internacional. De regreso en Washington el domingo por la

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