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Month: December 2021

Alemania prohibirá a los no vacunados acceder a gran parte de la vida pública

Juan Pablo Elverdin (CNN) — Alemania prohibirá a las personas no vacunadas el acceso a todos los comercios, salvo los más esenciales, como supermercados y farmacias, para frenar la propagación del coronavirus, según anunciaron este jueves la canciller saliente, Angela Merkel, y su sucesor, Olaf Scholz, tras las conversaciones de crisis con los líderes regionales.

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Lawmakers reach deal on spending bill, but hurdles remain

By LISA MASCARO and KEVIN FREKING Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Congressional leaders reached agreement on a spending bill that would keep the government running through mid-February. But a temporary federal shutdown is still possible this weekend because some Republican senators are objecting to the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The House is expected to

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Lawmakers reach deal on spending bill, but hurdles remain

By LISA MASCARO and KEVIN FREKING Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Congressional leaders reached agreement on a spending bill that would keep the government running through mid-February. But a temporary federal shutdown is still possible this weekend because some Republican senators are objecting to the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The House is expected to

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