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Month: December 2021

EPA head tours embattled communities, says help on the way

By MATTHEW DALY Associated Press RESERVE, La. (AP) — EPA Administrator Michael Regan says a recently completed “Journey to Justice” tour from Mississippi to Texas enabled him to put “faces and names with this term that we call environmental justice.″ The five-day tour in mid-November highlighted low-income, mostly minority communities adversely affected by industrial pollution.

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Racism plagues US military academies despite diversity gains

By AARON MORRISON, HELEN WIEFFERING and NOREEN NASIR Associated Press The nation’s military academies provide a key pipeline into the leadership of the armed services and, for the better part of the last decade, they have welcomed more racially diverse students each year. But beyond blanket anti-discrimination policies, these federally funded institutions volunteer little about

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‘We just feel it’: Racism plagues US military academies

By AARON MORRISON, HELEN WIEFFERING and NOREEN NASIR Associated Press The nation’s military academies provide a key pipeline into the leadership of the armed services and, for the better part of the last decade, they have welcomed more racially diverse students each year. But beyond blanket anti-discrimination policies, these federally funded institutions volunteer little about

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El rescate de Parwana: una niña de 9 años vendida para el matrimonio infantil en Afganistán es llevada a un lugar seguro

Alejandra Ramos Barreda (CNN) — Conduciendo a través de un paso de montaña cubierto de nieve, la joven madre se acurruca junto a sus seis hijos en el asiento trasero de un automóvil después de dejar su campamento improvisado en el noroeste de Afganistán. Parwana Malik, de 9 años, lleva solo una manta para abrigarse

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