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Month: July 2021

Pope Francis is gradually resuming work

Pope Francis gradually resuming work and walking after his surgery

By Livia Borghese and Sharon Braithwaite, CNN Pope Francis is gradually resuming work, is walking, his blood tests are “satisfactory” and “he is continuing the prescribed treatment” following last week’s surgery, according to a spokesperson for the Holy See on Saturday. The 84-year-old pontiff entered surgery in Rome’s Gemelli hospital last Sunday, hours after conducting

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Vence el plazo otorgado a Nicaragua para cumplir con resolución de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos

Alejandra Ramos Barreda (CNN Español) — Este jueves venció el plazo otorgado por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos para que Nicaragua informara sobre el cumplimiento de las medidas provisionales dictadas a favor de los precandidatos presidenciales Félix Maradiaga y Juan Sebastián Chamorro, la activista Violeta Granera Padillar y el líder empresarial José Adán Aguerri,

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La evidencia sobre el edificio colapsado en Miami crece día a día, pero la investigación podría tomar años

Alejandra Ramos Barreda Surfside, Florida (CNN) — Con su gorra de béisbol y su espesa barba blanca, Allyn Kilsheimer podría ser confundido con un jubilado si no fuera por el equipo de trabajadores de construcción que lo seguían y el largo poste de metal que llevaba mientras inspeccionaba la planta baja del edificio Champlain Towers

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Haiti's police chief described the men presented at the press conference as attackers that have been apprehended.

Haiti assassination allegedly involved Americans and retired members of Colombian military, officials say

By Caitlin Hu, Lionel Vital, Stefano Pozzebon and Helen Regan, CNN The violent fallout from the assassination of Haitiian President Jovenel Moise was evident on Friday near his private residence in the capital of Port-au-Prince. Burned-out cars, spent bullet casings, bloodstains and bullet-pocked walls were what remained of a shootout between the police and some

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