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Month: July 2021

Tracking some dry weather, finally

TUESDAY: All of that rain we’ve been tracking since this past weekend has turned into some more fog this morning. That looks to burn off around 9-10 AM this morning with sunshine making a return by this afternoon. It’ll be a very comfortable afternoon with highs only reaching the low to mid 80’s. Enjoy it

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President Jovenel Moise was killed July 7 in an operation that Haitian authorities say involved at least 28 people

Several tied to Haiti assassination plot were previously US law enforcement informants

By Evan Perez, CNN Justice Correspondent Several of the men involved in the assassination of Haiti’s President previously worked as US law enforcement informants, according to people briefed on the matter, as US investigators grapple with an increasing number of Florida links to the alleged hit squad. Haitian President Jovenel Moise was killed last Wednesday

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Anuncio que muestra a una paciente de covid sin aliento provoca reacciones negativas en Australia mientras el país lucha contra la variante delta

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN)– Un drástico anuncio de salud del gobierno de Australia que muestra a una mujer joven jadeando mientras está conectada a un ventilador provocó una fuerte respuesta negativa en el país. Los usuarios de las redes sociales critican que se dirija a los jóvenes con el fin de que se vacunen contra el

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Australian ad showing Covid patient gasping for air sparks backlash as country battles Delta variant

By Rhea Mogul, CNN A dramatic government health advertisement showing a young woman gasping for air while on a ventilator has sparked a backlash in Australia, with social media users criticizing its targeting of young people for coronavirus vaccination — the majority of whom are not yet eligible to receive the recommended shot. “Covid can

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